Our Programs

Duty to Report

We reaffirm that all cases or suspected cases of child maltreatment, neglect or abuse, must be reported to child protection authorities. This is both the law in Canada and the policy of Thrive is such that we will never interfere with on-going investigations by child welfare or law enforcement agencies.

DISCLAIMER: If you are in mental health crisis, please contact COAST Hamilton at 905-972-8338 or toll free at 1-844-972-8338. This crisis line is answered 24-7. A crisis is when a person feels they cannot cope anymore. A person might feel out of control or might be having thoughts of harming someone else or themselves. Sometimes a person in crisis has thoughts of ending their life/suicide. If this is you or someone you know, take it seriously and reach out for help.

SAAT Program 

The Sexual Abuse, Assessment, and Treatment (SAAT) program offers comprehensive assessment and specialized intervention and treatment as follows:

  • For children and youth up to age 18 who have been sexually victimized
  • For children under age 12 who have sexually victimized other children: these children are engaged in behaviours that fall outside of what would normally be expected or appropriate at that age and stage of development.
  • For children and youth up to age 18 who have engaged in intrafamilial sexual abuse: children and youth within the same family, e.g., siblings, step-siblings, cousins; because the entire family is affected when this occurs the assessment is more complex and includes not only the children involved in the sexual behaviours but other family members as well

If you are interested in making a referral to the SAAT program, please call Contact Hamilton at (905) 570-8888. For more information, please refer to the contact page. 

OASIS Program

The Outreach, Assessment and Specialized Intervention Services (OASIS) program offers specialized mental health services to immigrant and refugee children, youth, and their families who have experienced trauma in another country, while on their journey to Canada, or while in Canada. Children and youth fleeing with their families from their country of origin or dealing with resettlement and acculturation can face significant stressors and challenges and the OASIS Program is designed specifically to meet their unique mental health needs.

THRIVE Child and Youth Trauma Services works collaboratively with a number of agencies and organizations serving immigrant and refugee families in order to identify children and youth who would benefit from specialized intervention services to address issues related to trauma and acculturation.


YouThrive is a specialized community-based program that provides culturally-informed mental health services to children, youth, and families who identify as Black, Indigenous or Persons of Color (BIPOC). This program is a partnership between St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton’s Youth Wellness Centre, Hamilton Regional Indian Centre, Thrive Child and Youth Trauma Services, and De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre.

This program is geared towards children and youth between the ages of 4 to 25 who have encountered racism in different parts of their lives such as school, work, social settings and so on. We define racism as the experience of marginalization and/or oppression of Black, Indigenous or persons of color based on characteristics such as skin color, language, or racial/cultural identity.

Our services involve offering culturally-informed assessment, counselling, therapy and peer support to children and youth who have experienced discrimination based on race-related factors that affect their overall quality of life.

YouThrive also acknowledges the barriers that racialized and Indigenous communities face while accessing mainstream services. As part of our efforts to support BIPOC communities through these barriers, we continually strive to build capacity of the mainstream service providers to offer barrier-free and effective services to diverse and multi-cultural populations.